Fostering Community Engagement through Datathon Events: The Archives Unleashed Experience
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Fostering Community Engagement through Datathon Events: The Archives Unleashed Experience

作者:Samantha Fritz, Department of History, University of Waterloo
Ian Milligan, Department of History, University of Waterloo
Nick Ruest, Digital Scholarship Infrastructure Department, York Univeristy
Jimmy Lin, David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo

转载来源:Digital Humanities Quarterly, 2021, Volume 15 Number 1,

本文探讨了一系列的Archives Unleashed数据马拉松活动对社区参与网络存档领域的影响,更具体地说,是对参与者的专业实践的影响。我们展示了来自调查数据马拉松参与者的结果,以及来自我们活动的相关证据,以讨论我们的参与者如何看待数据马拉松对他们的专业实践和更广泛的网络存档社区的巨大影响。我们借鉴和调整了两种领先的社区参与模式,将它们结合起来,引入了一种新的理解,即如何在开源数字人文项目中构建和吸引用户。我们的模型说明了我们的项目所进行的活动以及它们对现场的相关影响。该模型可广泛应用于其他寻求参与社区的数字人文项目。


Samantha Fritz 

Samantha Fritz is the project manager for the Archives Unleashed Team. She is an information management professional with a passion for open access, information literacy education, and helping people connect with and make sense of data. Samantha is driven to support information and resource dissemination to positively transform the way researchers view, experience, interpret and share information and knowledge. She has worked with organizations such as Ryerson University’s Social Media Lab, the Islandora Foundation, and Dalhousie University Libraries on digitization and data visualization projects.

Ian Milligan 

Ian Milligan is an associate professor of history at the University of Waterloo. His primary research focus is on how historians can use web archives, as well as the impact of digital sources on historical practice more generally. He is author of two monographs: History in the Age of Abundance (2019) and Rebel Youth (2014). Milligan also co-authored Exploring Big Historical Data (2015, with Shawn Graham and Scott Weingart) and edited the SAGE Handbook of Web History (2018, with Niels Brügger).

Nick Ruest 

Nick Ruest is an Associate Librarian in the Digital Scholarship Infrastructure Department at York University, co-Principal Investigator of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation funded The Archives Unleashed Project (, co-Principal Investigator of the SSHRC grant “A Longitudinal Analysis of the Canadian World Wide Web as a Historical Resource, 1996-2014,” and co-Principal Investigator of the Compute Canada Research Platforms and Portals Web Archives for Longitudinal Knowledge.

Jimmy Lin 

Jimmy Lin holds the David R. Cheriton Chair in the David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science at the University of Waterloo. Prior to 2015, he was a faculty at the University of Maryland, College Park. Lin received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2004.

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