Going Digital: Teaching Crevecoeur in the Twenty-First Century
Going Digital: Teaching Crevecoeur in the Twenty-First Century

Going Digital: Teaching Crevecoeur in the Twenty-First Century

作者:Mary Mcaleer Balkun, Seton Hall University
Diana Hope Polley, United States Air Force Academy

转载来源:Digital Humanities Quarterly, 2021, Volume 15 Number 2,http://digitalhumanities.org/dhq/vol/15/2/000552/000552.html

在这篇文章中,我们追溯了我们在创建 J. Hector St. Jean de Crèvecoeur 的《一位美国农民的来信》(Letters from an American Farmer)的数字批判版方面的早期和持续发展。我们讨论了我们从印刷技术向数字出版技术的转变,并概述了作为两位高级教师开始从事数字人文学科的挑战和经验教训。这篇文章不仅介绍了我们开发数字版本的过程,还介绍了我们与学生一起试用该版本的各种经验。在几个简短的案例研究中,我们分析了将印刷媒体与数字媒体整合到课堂中的价值,以及我们努力将编辑控制权转移给我们的学生,使用数字技术教他们如何成为文本的管理者。


Mary Mcaleer Balkun

Mary McAleer Balkun is Professor of English and Director of Faculty Development at Seton Hall University. She is the author of The American Counterfeit: Authenticity and Identity in American Literature and Culture (2006); she is co-editor of Transformative Digital Humanities: Challenges and Opportunities (Routledge 2020), Women of the Early Americas and the Formation of Empire (Palgrave 2016), The Greenwood Encyclopedia of American Poets and Poetry (Greenwood 2005), and the forthcoming Wiley Companion to American Poetry.

Diana Hope Polley 

Diana H. Polley is Director of the Academy Scholars Program and Associate Professor of English at the United States Air Force Academy. Her book, Echoes of Emerson, won the 2018 Robert Penn Warren — Cleanth Brooks Award for Outstanding Literary Criticism; her research interests include American literature and culture of the long 19th century, the American West, and the digital humanities.

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