A Prosopography as Linked Open Data: Some Implications from DPRR
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A Prosopography as Linked Open Data: Some Implications from DPRR

作者:John Douglas Bradley , King’s Digital Lab, King’s College London

转载来源:Digital Humanities Quarterly, 14.2, http://www.digitalhumanities.org/dhq/vol/14/2/000475/000475.html.

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Digital Prosopography of the Roman Republic(DPRR)项目创建了一个免费的罗马共和国人民的结构化群体传记。作为这项工作的一部分,该项目产生的资料已作为关联开放数据(LOD)提供:翻译成RDF,并通过RDF服务器提供服务。本文解释了如何通过工作的、交互式的例子将资料呈现为关联开放数据。DPRR没有做一些传统上与关联开放数据相关的工作。然而,通过Tim Berners-Lee提出的语义网络和关联开放数据这两个概念,我们可以看到DPRR的RDF服务器是如何适应LOD的,包括如何促进探索其资料的新方法。本文给出了几个利用DPRR的RDF数据集和其他类似结构性资料的方法的示例,以供参考。


John Douglas Bradley 

John Bradley is an Honorary Senior Research Fellow associated with the Department of Digital Humanities and King’s Digital Lab at King’s College London. Before his retirement in 2015 he was a Senior Lecturer within DDH, before that a Senior Analyst within the department. He was involved in the development of about 20 collaborative digital projects between DDH and scholars from various academic departments in the UK and beyond. He was the head of the Pliny project which explored how technology might support traditional scholarly research. Before coming to King’s in 1997 he was at the University of Toronto where he developed the text analysis TACT system.

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